Our Work: Bournemouth University

“Enhancing researchers’ capacity to understand, evidence, and narrate impact case studies”

Bournemouth University

Over three years, Insights for Impact supported Bournemouth University to improve the capacity of its researchers to understand, develop, provide evidence for, and narrate impact towards REF 2021. We worked across all disciplines and departments. The partnership consisted of providing guidance to the senior management team in its review process, running a series of impact workshops, and supporting researchers one-to-one or in small groups to improve the impact, evidence, and narrative for their case studies.

Amanda Edwards, Engagement and Impact Facilitator:

“One of the most valuable ways in which Saskia supported our REF impact submission was in the delivery of in-depth 1-1 sessions with case study authors. She brought focus and insight to the impact case studies and was able to clarify the narratives around the research and the impact itself to great effect.”

Our Work